4A Computer Engineering Student in University of Waterloo

I am passionate about exploring new technologies, and building software to solve real-world problem with a focus on application scalability, efficency, fault tolerance and robustness.

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  • JavaScript • Node/Express
  • React • Angular • HTML • CSS
  • Java • Python • C/C++
  • Mocha • Chai • Tape • Nock
  • Git • SVN


  • Docker • Jenkins
  • Redis • PostgreSQL • MongoDB
  • Hadoop • MapReduce
  • AWS • Elastic Beanstalk
  • EC2 • S3 • VPC
  • Windows • Linux • Bash

My Portfolio

Campus PageRank

• Implemented Page-Rank algorithm for university websites using MapReduce.

• Used Transition Matrix to build relationships between pages; Calculated PageRank Vector iteratively till it converges.

[Demo] -> https://page-rank-77926.herokuapp.com/


• A live-stream video chat app that leverages the RTC protocol, built with React, Redux, Webrtc, NodeJS, and Express.

[Demo] -> https://vchat-demo-1118.herokuapp.com/


Personal Website

• Developed a personal website to present my skills and showcase my projects using HTML/CSS, Bootstrap and jQuery


Content server 16 mobile

• Developed first release of mobile version of Content server 16 with Angularjs , Cordova, and Ionic Framework


Oh My Fish (Hybrid Mobile Application)

• Led team of 4 developers to build a hybrid mobile app for anglers to record catches based on GPS location

• Built front end dashboard and interactive fishing maps with Ionic and Google Maps API

• Used MongoDB’s geospatial querying and Mongoose Query Builder to enable radius search
